
Need help with Softiya?

Book a support session with our experts today!

We’ll help you troubleshoot any problems you’re having and get you back up and running in no time.


Interested in learning more about Softiya?

Book a demo today and see for yourself how Softiya can help you improve your efficiency, reduce your costs, and provide better care to your clients.

Our demos are free and confidential, so there’s no risk in trying it out.


Consultation (149)

Looking to start a home care, home health, group home, or other waiver program?

Book a consultation with Edris and get the guidance you need to get started.

We’ll help you assess your needs, develop a plan, and navigate the regulatory landscape.



Consultation (Already Paid – continuation)

This session is for clients who have already paid for the initial homecare/group home consultation and need further assistance with their application. Please click on the calendar to the right to book a date with Edris. Thank you for choosing our services!